

The FDA bans natural Stevia from being used as a Sweetener in favor of chemical and genetically engineered High Fructose Corn Syrup poison and aspartame poison--
Go Figure?

Stevia, is derived from a South American shrub. Though it can impart a sweet taste to foods, it cannot be sold as a sweetener because FDA considers it an unapproved food additive. "The safety of stevia has been questioned by published studies," says Martha Peiperl, a consumer safety officer in FDA's Office of Premarket Approval. "And no one has ever provided FDA with adequate evidence that the substance is safe." Under provisions of 1994 legislation, however, stevia can be sold as a "dietary supplement," though it cannot be promoted as a sweetener. Please be aware of the agency's continued concern over the safety of stevia. We note that there are several published scientific studies suggesting that the consumption of aqueous extracts of stevia reduces the fertility of female laboratory animals. Additionally, other published studies raise concern over the possible hypoglycemic (low blood sugar level) effect of stevia in human subjects. These concerns are currently unresolved. No one has ever provided FDA with adequate evidence that the substance is safe. Under provisions of 1994 legislation, however, stevia can be sold as a "dietary supplement," though it cannot be promoted as a sweetener.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
Corn is used to fatten cattle. Does high fructose corn syrup fatten people? Farm subsidies for corn and tariffs on sugar make high fructose corn syrup cheaper to use as a sweetener than sugar.

Powerful agribusiness groups wanted to push the use of corn at the expense of the sugar industry including Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, and Staley Manufacturing Co.

It's Scary! Two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. Almost one-third are obese. Twenty-four million Americans have diabetes and an estimated 57 million are in a stage of pre-diabetes, putting them at risk to develop diabetes. One-quarter of people 60 and older have diabetes.

After high fructose corn syrup came into use as a sweetener in the 80's, obesity and diabetes rates skyrocketed! It metabolizes differently than other sugars. Research reports have linked high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with the growing obesity problems and the epidemic of diabetes.

Soft drinks and beverages sweetened with high fructose corn syrup and an abundance of processed foods containing containing this "devils syrup" make it challenging to avoid. It is found in snack foods, cereals, bread, ice cream, fruity yogurts, canned fruits, pasta sauce, soups, salad dressings, crackers and ketchup.

Look at obesity maps from the Center of Disease Control. In 1988, some twenty states had obesity rates for adults as high as 10% to 14%. The rest of the states shown had lower rates (they did not have statistics for 13 states at the time). By 1995, over half the states had adult obesity rates in the 15% to 19% range. By 2000, twenty states had adult obesity rates in the 20% to 25% range. Only one state had a rate as low as 10% to 14%. By 2007, thirty states had adult obesity rates of 25% or higher. Only one state had a rate as low as 15% to 19%. The statistics are startling! The increase in use of high fructose corn syrup parallels the increase in obesity rates.
Center for Disease Control Obesity Maps

In 1999, Americans consumed over 60 lbs of high fructose corn syrup per person. Published reports about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup have led consumers to buy healthier alternatives. Consumption of high fructose corn syrup is down. Americans consume 12 percent less high fructose corn syrup now than they did ten years ago, as consumers complain and companies listen. Hansen's Natural Cane Sodas and Whole Foods sodas contain no high fructose corn syrup, unlike Coke and Pepsi. Organic soup lines are popular. Forty-four of Campbell's reformulated Select Harvest soups contain no high-fructose corn syrup. Given an alternative, many consumers choose to eat healthy.

The Corn Refiners Association is fighting back with ads saying high-fructose corn syrup contains "no artificial ingredients." The CRA is planning an 18-month ad campaign of TV commercials and full-page ads in newspapers.

"No artificial ingredients?"


Before the 80's, high fructose corn syrup did not exist in our food. There is no plant that it grows on. High fructose corn syrup is not natural. A researcher determined how to make it through a chemical process that looks like this:
High-fructose corn syrup begins as corn starch and is treated with chemicals or genetically engineered enzymes. It is degraded to glucose and an enzyme is used to convert glucose into fructose. At least, that is the short version of what happens. Corn's original chemical state is changed significantly during processing.

Seventy-five percent of the corn in the United States is genetically engineered. A pesticide (bt toxin) is genetically inserted into the plant to kill insects. Does the bt toxin pesticide count as an artificial ingredient?

The American Medical Association said an analysis of research indicates high-fructose syrup is unlikely to contribute more to obesity than other sweeteners, but encouraged more independent research. This conclusion contradicts what other researchers are finding. The AMA has also said go ahead and eat genetically engineered foods--no problemo.

Many nutritionists and health care professionals are convinced health problems are caused by changes in our diet.Too much sugar is bad, but high-fructose corn syrup has unique problems. It metabolizes differently from other sugars. It puts people at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other health problems.The sweetener stresses the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin. Fructose is metabolized in the liver. Animals fed large amounts of fructose develop fatty deposits and cirrhosis of the liver, similar to problems in the livers of alcoholics.

It is the Corn Refiners Association's attempt to protect the use of high fructose corn syrup, buy putting the blame for our nation's health problems on sugar.

A Corrupt Farm Bill Promotes Genetically Engineered Crops

Why does the Farm Bill fund and promote genetically engineered crops when a New York Times poll shows 53% of Americans won't buy genetically modified food? Why did politicians in Congress vote to pass a corrupt farm bill?

In Washington, there is a revolving door between big agribusiness and the government that is supposed to regulate them. Hundreds of employees move from jobs as federal regulators to positions at companies they are supposed to regulate and from companies like Monsanto into positions in the government.

Conflict of interest!
Margaret Miller, former chemical laboratory supervisor for Monsanto became Deputy Director of Human Food Safety and Consultative Services, New Animal Drug Evaluation Office, Center for Veterinary Medicine in the Food and Drug Administration.

Michael Taylor, a legal adviser to the Food and Drug Administration Bureau of Medical Devices and Bureau of Foods and then executive assistant to the Commissioner of the FDA, became a partner at the law firm of King & Spaulding whose clients included Monsanto and later became Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the Food and Drug Administration and later head of the Washington, D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation.

Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer.

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture ( Anne Veneman ) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation.

The Secretary of Defense ( Donald Rumsfeld ) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals.

Monsanto is making its own rules. Monsanto has influence at the highest levels of regulatory decision. Monsanto offers prominent positions to officials when they leave public service.

Your tax dollars at work:
A corrupt Farm Bill is subsidizing genetically engineered soybeans, genetically engineered corn, genetically engineered feed grains, genetically engineered cotton and oilseeds with special traits and funding for ethanol development. 90% of the soybeans are genetically engineered, 75% of the corn is genetically engineered, 80% of the canola is genetically engineered and 85% of the cotton is genetically engineered.

Look at a bottle of Pure All Vegetable Oil in the grocery store. Check the ingredients. Is it made from soybeans?--genetically engineered! Corn oil--genetically engineered! Canola oil--genetically engineered! What kind of oil does McDonalds use to cook fries?--genetically engineered! What kind of oil does Kentucky Fried Chicken use?--genetically engineered!

The farm bill also funds the development of ethanol made largely from genetically engineered corn. Funds are being directed to universities and research centers for the development of genetically engineered crops.

Now why, why, considering consumer opposition, is this happening? The FDA and USDA are working for Monsanto, not to protect the consumer. Monsanto's goal is to control the world's food production.

Politicians want to get relected and are afraid to go against the powerful special interest groups of big agribusiness and farm bureaus.

What are genetically engineered foods?
They are genetically inserting genes into plants from mutant bacteria so the plants can be sprayed with poisonous herbicide. Weeds will be killed, but the plants live. They are genetically inserting pesticide ( bt toxin ) into plants so insects will be killed, and the consumer is eating this pesticide in the food the plant produces.

The American Farm Bureau, state farm bureaus, the soy association and National Corn Growers Association all support biotechnology. It helps them to farm easier with less labor. This can be compared to China producing toys with lead paint. They have a product to sell, but it is poisonous...in this case it is our food!

Is there cause for concern?

Rats fed GM potatoes had smaller livers, hearts, testicles and brains, damaged immune systems, and showed structural changes in their white blood cells making them more vulnerable to infection and disease compared to other rats fed non-GMO potatoes. It got worse. Thymus and spleen damage showed up; enlarged tissues, including the pancreas and intestines; and there were cases of liver atrophy as well as significant proliferation of stomach and intestines cells that could be a sign of greater future risk of cancer. Equally alarming, results showed up after 10 days of testing, and they persisted after 110 days that's the human equivalent of 10 years. The real kinds show GMOs produce "massive changes in the natural functioning of ( a ) plant's DNA. Native genes can be mutated, deleted, permanently turned off or on....the inserted gene can become truncated, fragmented, mixed with other genes, inverted or multiplied, and the GM protein it produces may have unintended characteristics" that may be harmful.

Why isn't the government doing more to promote organic foods that are popular? Organic foods are the fastest growing segment of the food industry, growing at 20% market share a year. The consumer is voting with their pocketbook for natural, healthy. Organic crops try to avoid genetic engineering, but a farm with gmo crops can contaminate organic crops. Organic farmers are concerned! Monsanto is trying to contaminate our entire food supply so you won't have a choice!

Keith Dittrich, The American Corn Growers Association Chairman in 2003 said:
"Ladies and gentleman the food system in the United States of America is broken and is rapidly deteriorating further. This dysfunctional food system is one that is wreaking untold havoc around the world and partly to blame for the many serious global problems of our day both economic and societal."

Consumer Comments on Food Irradiation